Choose Diversity Models For Your Business and Be More Competitive in the Healthcare, Lifestyle, Travel and Fashion Industry

Diversity Models group

At Diversity Models we aim to provide businesses in the healthcare, lifestyle and travel industry with a very simple approach to marketing to ensure they appear as a business that positively supports cultural diversity. Therefore we bring to our clients, models who can relate to their ideal everyday customers whilst at the same time show multiculturism.

We can do the following for your business

  • A full set of basic still motion photos of our models engaging with your products, services and team onsite
  • 5 short unedited videos (30 seconds to 1 minute) of our models using or engaging with your product, services and staff onsite (or offsite)

    To boost your online SEO and social creditability, after engaging with your business and products and services, each of the models will also provide for your business:

    • A Facebook review
    • A Google Places review
    • A short video testimonial (up to 1 minute) to outline why they loved your business (which you can use to post on any of your own social media platforms)
    Diversity Models



    Diversity Models modelling agency




      To organise a face-to-face or online meeting to discuss your model or marketing needs, please email diversitymodelsaustralia@gmail.com or call 0447 840 939 on Whatsapp.

      Thank you and look forward to working with you, Diversity Models